Filling all rows in a data table column with value using if/else not working

Hi, I am trying to fill a empty column in a data table with a value from a variable. (Same value in all rows.)

I am using a if/else activity for this (Example from the forum attached). This is working fine in Excel, but not in my simple data table. Nothing is being written in at all, and I am unable to find the reason for this.

Has anyone encountered a similar issue an d have any idea what can cause the problem? ( Yes, I have remembered to change the data table, and values in the parameters in the example :slight_smile: )

Main.xaml (9.5 KB)

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can you check with:
String.IsNullOrEmpty(row("Budget request").toString.Trim)

Then I get a Compile error msg. (But it is possible I am using your suggestion wrong) Where exactly should I use your suggestion string?

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Hey @Botter

Kindly use it here in the if condition



we would use it within the condition block from the if acitvity
the stament is returning true for an empty value and false when there is a non empty string

That worked. I forgot to remove the “=” after the string.

Thank you very much for your time and sharing your knowledge!

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