Please explain how to use Extract Structured Data to save multiple pages of a PDF into separate Excel files, one page per Excel file.
EX ) 1 PAGE → First excel, 2 PAGE - > Second excel
Please explain how to use Extract Structured Data to save multiple pages of a PDF into separate Excel files, one page per Excel file.
EX ) 1 PAGE → First excel, 2 PAGE - > Second excel
Hi @22222222asas ,
I think you can read file PDF by page
In Range change to 1 for page 1,
… page n
Get pdfPageCount and save in a variable TotalPageCount
If: InitpageCount<=TotalPageCount
Read Pdf Text:In properties Range Mention InitpageCount.ToString
Generate Datatable
WriteRange activity
I’m really sorry
Please provide screenshot with explanation for clearer understanding!
Thank you so much
hi @Nguyen_Van_Luong1
Thank you so much
Is there no way to use “Extract Structured Data” for this?
Thank you so much
Is it permissible to use “Extract Structured Data” instead of “read PDF with OCR”?
I think “Extract Structured Data” ok
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