Please guidance on how to use Extract Structured Data


Please explain how to use Extract Structured Data to save multiple pages of a PDF into separate Excel files, one page per Excel file.

EX ) 1 PAGE → First excel, 2 PAGE - > Second excel

Hi @22222222asas ,
I think you can read file PDF by page
In Range change to 1 for page 1,
… page n

use for loop to get all page,
each loop write to a file excel


Get pdfPageCount and save in a variable TotalPageCount
If: InitpageCount<=TotalPageCount
Read Pdf Text:In properties Range Mention InitpageCount.ToString
Generate Datatable
WriteRange activity

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I’m really sorry

Please provide screenshot with explanation for clearer understanding!

Thank you so much

hi @Nguyen_Van_Luong1
Thank you so much
Is there no way to use “Extract Structured Data” for this?


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You can try

it will read each page then paste to each excel file

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Thank you so much
Is it permissible to use “Extract Structured Data” instead of “read PDF with OCR”?

I think “Extract Structured Data” ok

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