Pipelines not working

Hi, I’m trying to create a pipeline using automation ops but an exception is being thrown:

‘UiPath.Platform.Clients.Implementation.IdentityServiceUtils.CreateUserException’ was thrown.

This happen no matter which machine I pick or if I choose “Pipelines serverless machine”

Also pipelines folder is being created but empty and Pipelines Robot account is not being created. I already have my github repository linked in Source Control.

Beside the exception there is also an error Displayed in the UI that has been occuring since yesterday:


Just to confirm ypu are community and jot free license right?

Also manually you are able to create more users?


Hello @Eric_Arias

Could you tell me the name of your UiPath organization so I can further investigate?

@Anil_G yes I’m using community edition. Yes I’m also able to create users manually

@CristianCotovanu Sure thanks, it is agentai

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The problem should be fixed now.
@Eric_Arias could you validate please?

Hi Cristian, we are still having the same issue

@Eric_Arias unfortunately the root cause of the error is that the Robot Accounts Quota for Community Organizations has been exceeded; because during the Pipelines setup there is a new Robot Account being created.
I suggest you taking a look over the existing Robot Accounts and further identify and remove any unused ones.

Keep me updated in case you need further help.

I just created new community account and tested on it. Everything worked

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