PDF in Edge, shortcut Ctrl-Shift-S


application is opening the PDF document in Edge. I need to save it to the specified folder.

Activity Keyboard Shortcuts does not send “Ctrl-Shift-S” to open Save as Window.

Any suggestions?

Thx and kind regards,

Hi @VanjaV

Check the below thread


Hi @VanjaV ,

Try Ctrl + P.


Hi @Sai_chnadrika_Kopparapu it is suggestion for classic activity send hotkey. I am using modern activity Keyboard Shortcuts. Thx anyway. KR Vanja

Hi @Gautham_Pattabiraman, it is not working either… Thx. KR, Vanja

By clicking a link?

Maybe grabbing the URL and using it for direct download (e.g. Download from URL Activity) can simplify it

Would it be possible to share a snap of the sequence.?

Or you can check this solution,

It mighy help you.


I have no permission to do this. Thx and KR, Vanja

did not get you. Does it mean you are regulated to select the modeling approach?

Are you allowed to use click instead of keyboard shortcut? To be able to select the Save As button you need to change the UI framework to AA (Active Accessibility) first.

<ctrl name='*.pdf' role='document' />
<ctrl name='PDF bar' role='tool bar' />
<ctrl name='Save as' role='push button' />


hi @ptrobot , in order to display adobe toolbar (with save icon) first I need to press Ctrl-H and here is the problem. Thx and KR, Vanja

Does sending Ctrl-H work? If yes, you could do keyboard shortcut + click.

In newer version of Edge, Ctrl+Shift+S is for screenshot.

Wau. @ptrobot , great thanks for this info! :slight_smile:

Ctrl-H did work before, but not at the moment. I guess I have changed some adobe reader settings to wrong :confused:

KR, Vanja

Don’t set a selector for the Keyboard Shortcuts activity. Just Use Application/Browser to attach to the window then Keyboard Shortcut CTRL+S without indicating an element.

Thx to everyone who helped me.

The problem was PopUp in Adobe Reader and I could not see it because working in orchestrator / unattended mode. I solved it when directly connected to the hostmachine.

KR, Vanja

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