Download named PDF via Edge

Hi all.
I’ve an issue where I need to download PDF to a specific folder on the local drive with a specific naming convention. As I’m operating for an organization, we only have Microsoft Edge to use and settings are governed by the organization, meaning clicking on a PDF link will always download the copy to downloads folder using its default name. Are there any solution or work about for this? The default name of the PDFs are always dynamic and not of a specific format.

Thank you.

@QTH so you want to change its name?
you have no permission as well. I have a solution please use
wait for download activity and put file info variable in it.
In body block put that activity which you are using for download.
In path folder give that path where file is going to download.
Variable will save your file full path.
use move/copy activity for rename it.


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@QTH Great. Happy Learning

@raja.arslankhan Thanks for the guidance. Just to point out that variable I got actually only capture the file name and not full path. But it’s not anything we can’t follow up easily with.

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try this
it will give you full path

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Perfect. You really helped me more than I could accomplish anything in a week of pondering. You have a nice day.

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Happy Learning. Chill

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