PDF-fetch DOB And pan number

Hey I need to fetch the pan number and dob from given pancard in pdf format
I have used read pdf with OCR
what next? pls tell me the regex

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Hi @KarthikBallary

You can do one thing use start process and then use ctrl+c send hot key and then use copy to clipboard and use write text file and then use regex to get the pan card and DOB

Ashwin S

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Pan Card Number can be extracted easily
DOB differs!
can i see sample pic?which you are trying to extract!

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tell for pan number

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for DateofBirth : [0-9]{2}\W+[0-9]{2}\W+[0-9]{4}\W
for PanNumber : [A-Za-z]{5}\d{4}[A-Z]{1}

cheers @KarthikBallary let me know if this works out for you or not!


DOB not working

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format 01/06/1971

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\d{1,2}.\d{1,2}.\d{1,4} check on this!

Can send for name also

Pls send for name also

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(?<=INCOMETAX DEPARTMENT).*(?=[\s][0-9])

Whats the server and port number in SMPT

and β€œ465”

It is not accepting username and password

OCR is not working today
it is throwing failed to intialise


can i see the OCR properties!


Extract words check box
Language= β€œEn”
Profile = Legacy
scale = 1
get out put from Text = outString