Pasting text from website into Word document - Activity is only valid inside Wordapplication scope

I’m trying to copy & paste some text from a website into a MS Word document but get stuck on the pasting part.

I have the “replace text in document” nested in “Use Application: Word Document” and indicated what I want replaced. However, I’m getting the “Activity is only valid inside Wordapplication scope”. I tried “append text” but get the same error.
Two questions:

  1. What is the easiest way to copy & paste from a website to a specific position in a MS Word document (template)?
  2. How do I fix the error above?

Sorry, complete noob here. Just finished the Citizen Developer Foundations course.




Get text from website.
Use Word application scope inside use Replace Text,Word activities only work inside word application only

Replace text:This activity is used when you want to replace some text to other text.If your Replacement text does not found it does not Paste any data.
Append Text:It Simply appends the text at last line of your document

Hope it helps


Any word document is to be used inside the word application scope


Thank you, that fixed it. I used the “Use application” instead of “Use Word file” (Word Application Scope in Studio).

Thank you for elaborating on the different options. I’m a bit surprised that with all the other functionality, there is no simple “paste” activity into Word.


There is no Paste activity i am briefing about replace text it replaces the text with new text

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