Parallel for each and wait for document validation action and resume

Hi Team,

I am working on invoice processing automation using DU and Action center

Some invoices will go to action center because of data issues.

After submitting tasks in action center.

When i click on resume, for some invoices iam getting wait for task issue.

How to resolve this



What issue are you getting…can you please elaborate



Is those invoices are processed in Action Center?
Check all fields are passed for those certain invoices


Thanks for the reply.

All values are set

I am getting this error , even after setting all the values

Hi @anusha2

If the task is being processed by another user or robot, you may need to wait for the task to be completed before you can resume it. You can check the task details in Action Center to see if there is any information on when the task is expected to be completed.



Thanks for the reply ,

After finishing all the tasks from the action center i am clicking in the resume.

Then iam getting this error


Whats the error you are getting? Can you post a screenshot/ copy paste the error message here?