Jira Scope: Method not found: 'Void RestSharp.Parameter..ctor(System.String, System.Object, RestSharp.ParameterType)'

Dear colleagues,

We are encountering an error while using Jira Scope activity:
Jira Scope: Method not found: ‘Void RestSharp.Parameter…ctor(System.String, System.Object, RestSharp.ParameterType)’.

Passing valid url, token as well as username.
Project type: Test Automation.

Project dependencies:
UiPath.Excel.Activities: [2.12.3],
UiPath.Jira.Activities: [2.4.1],
UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities: [1.14.1],
UiPath.System.Activities: [22.10.4],
UiPath.Testing.Activities: [22.10.0],
UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities: [22.10.3],
UiPath.WebAPI.Activities: [1.13.3]

Would appreciate your help.



Just in case somone else get this error.
As mentioned in this topic, the problem appeared, as we were using two project dependencies that were using RestSharp in different version (as sub dependency)

I downgraded Web API activities to 1.9.2:

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