Hi , I want to save an Attachment from Outlook Mail. After using Get outlook Mail message i used Save Email Attachments, it shows " But this account requires Outlook account card ". How do i set the Outlook account card.
If the Outlook is installed on your machine and it is login then the activity would automatically acquire the same, just run it.
Hi @Shikhar_Tandon ,
I have installed on my machine and Logged in, But in Save Attachments activity it asks Email and select in the Box. What should i use there. In Get outlook Mail message activity i gave the Mail in Input- Account field.
try with “save attachments” instead of “save email attachments” activity -
Yes , It’s worked @Shikhar_Tandon .
Thanks for your Help.
Cheers Please mark it a solution if that worked for you so that the thread can be closed and others can refer it.
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