Outlook mail filter by Date

Please help me on this
When i am using filter email by date expression

then i am getting error like this
For each: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.

Please help me

Hi @Vivek_Kumar4 ,
what value are you getting in mail.Headers("Date")

can you print that value before converting


Thanks for Replying

see what i am getting

Hi @Vivek_Kumar4 ,

The error message showing your variable “todayMessage” is not an datetime format
todayMessage - data type & what you are trying to do


Hi @Vivek_Kumar4

Try this

mailMessages.Where(Function (x) CDate(x.Headers("Date")).Date.Equals(DateTime.Now.Date))
1 Like

Thanks @kumar.varun2
Its working fine

can we check email count ? after this expression without using for each activity


mailMessages.Where(Function (x) CDate(x.Headers(“Date”)).Date.Equals(DateTime.Now.Date)).Count

Thanks @kumar.varun2
Its working fine

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