I am getting error inside outlook mail message. can you please check.
I am getting error. Can anybody suggest me for this
can you share some more details about this what you are doing and in which condition you are getting error
Here i am sending mail.
Here i am sending mail to other mails .
are you attaching any file or data?
Yes i am attatching the data
Yes, i am attatching the data.
can anybody help me on this issue.
Its not at all running in my laptop.
Can you check once from your end and tell me what is the issue with my outlook mail message activity.
- Update the Outlook mail message activity
- It’s running well
No Its not at all working.
Can you share the workflow @venkateshcheeni09
If you any further information, I will provide you.
the files you are attaching is available on source path or not
check the file path first
Yes they are available in source path.
can you share the workflow file?
I have shared Entire workflow