Fix when Orchestrator 20.10 cannot open the login page.
Issue Description: Orchestrator 20.10 cannot open the login page.
Example: In the middle of upgrading Staging Environment from 19.10.17 to 20.10 with a multi node environment. Installation is successful in both nodes. But it is not possible to access Orchestrator through URL. Following error is obtained {message"en error occured","error_code";0;resourceids:"null}.
Resolution: Perform the below
- Go to AppPools and verify if Webhooks and Identity are running as ApplicationPoolIdentity
- Verify individual node by changing binding setting
Example: Access to /Identity works for node 02, but not for node 01. Verify the AppPools. Webhooks, Identity running on a service user on node 02.
- Copy the same service user on node 01
- Ensure the DNS is properly configured to route the traffic to LB and target nodes
- Revert the binding setting to have the load balancer URL and add the new binding with the 443 without LB.
- Orchestrator login shall now be successful.