Orchestrator URL - UIRobit

Dear Sirs

I think we have started using Orchestrator and UIrobot in a hard time as the Orchestrator gone Cloud based.

Current I want to run a job through the Tast Manager service in Windows 10, but in order to do that I need the UIrobot running.

For that I need the Machine Key, I already achieved this, but the Orchestrator URL i’m stuck with. Before I can read the URL was platform.uipath.com but as I understand this has changed, but to WHAT ?

Thanks in advance.

Please use below url:



Wellcome to UiPath Forum

You need to add Full Orchestrator URL for new Orchestrator.
Please refer as below

Hi @DEJ,

Please try with this -

Now you will find a page given below -

Click on the field I have marked black. Now you will be redirected to your required Orchestrator page.

Thanks & Regards,

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Thank you very much.

Can you help me locate the AccountName and Servicename. What is meant by this ?

Worked perfect !!


You can get it from Orchestrator URL

Service name is name of your service on UiPath cloud portal (check it on service tab)
Account name is your login name on UiPath cloud portal
For more details about UiPath cloud portal, Please refer as below

  • UiPath has released new Orchestrator yesterday
    I think below information will be useful for you


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