Orchestrator - Scom monitoring

Hello all

After windows patches today, the orchestrator failed to start, and after fixing the issue (restarting the web service), our infrastructure team asked if they should put it into SCOM for monitoring.
As this sound as a good idea, i was wondering how this should be done.
I tried searching the forum and documentation, but haven’t found any mention of it anywhere.

Does anyone have any experience in setting up SCOM monitoring for UiPath Orchestrator?
Does UiPath have some kind of build in monitor service?
Currently we are thinking of an easy temporary solution of just pinging the URL and/or look for errorcodes in the response from the URL.

Any help or ideas are welcome :slight_smile:

(for some reason i can’t post directly in Orchestrator, as well as some other topics, anymore. Someone know why?)

Hi Konrad,

There is no SCOM plugin. But SCOM can monitor the sources that Orchestrator uses. For example it can monitor Event Viewer, the Orchestrator SQL database, CPU, RAM, IIS, Orchestrator website health.

So SCOM can monitor Orchestrator but it’s something optional.

@Konrad you can create a post in User Voice - Ideas for SCOM plugin so we can see if there are other people who want this.

Hello @ovi

Thank you for response. I’ll pass it on to our infrastructure team, and have created a post as suggested!