Orchestrator Installation Error 500 - Internal Server Error on Win10

Hi everyone,

I have a small problem with the installation of the Orchestrator on Windows 10 for testing purposes. From what I can tell, the prerequisites should all be satisfied and the installation went fine as well. Although when I want to log into the Orchestrator, I get the error: “500 - Internal Server Error. Problem with the searched resource. It can not be displayed”. (This is my translation of the error as the originial message is in another language).

Does anybody have any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Hi @asuckow,
Can you try this …


Dear Asuckow,

Please check Event Viewer logs, maybe you will find a better explanation there for the error.

Bogdan Coman


Did you solve this issue?

I´ve the same one…

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What I did was change the “error pages” settings in IIS for error page 500 to “show detailled error”. Then I got an error message that I could resolve in the end.