Orchestrator - Execution error : System.Exception: Could not find a part of the path

I am in Community Edition 18.2.3, and configured the Orchestrator.

On running a job from the Orchestrator, getting the following error.

Process: Demo5
Environment: DemoRobots
Robot: Development
Info: Execution error : System.Exception: Could not find a part of the path ‘C:\Users\mxganesa.nuget\packages\Demo5\1.0.6880.25717’.
Start Time: 11/02/2018 2:52:09 PM
End Time: 11/02/2018 2:52:12 PM

Input Values: Empty

Output Values: null

Any inputs on this issue is much appreciated.

Thanks !!!

Have you publish the bot in Uipath studio first , had you got any error after that. Through which URL of Orchestrator are you running your bot.

Check if the folder is accessible by bot.

Also, try updating Orchestrator package and restart the studio.

Thanks for your responses.

@ig250097 I have published the bot in the UIPath Studio, and getting the expected results
I am accessing the Community version of Orchestrator using https://platform.uipath.com
@Vivek_Arunagiri The folder does exists in the system, but after placing the nupkg file inside that folder, when I resubmit the job, the folder and the nupkg is deleted automatically.

I understand there is some problem in your json file , firstly try to see if there is no issue in your json file i mean name of file and it’s location are in correct place , then if all well then publish the bot again and run the bot through orchestrator.

@gmahendhiran did you solve this problem?

I’m currently running into the same issue but with a dedicated Orchestrator 2018.2.3

Oh, I found my error,

In my case the name in the project.json file wasn’t exactly the same than the real xaml file.

In project.json “main” was set to toto.xaml and the real file was name totto.xaml

I fixed that, publish again and this time it works well.

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I know this is old but wanted to share I also had the same type of error and for me the issue was an asset in orchestrator that was holding a file path. Somebody changed the text value (file path) to something else not even related to a file path. So if this help you, check any hardcoded file paths OR any assets in orchestrator where the path has changed or can’t be referenced any more. Another tip is to look at what point you are getting the error in the log file and see the activity it is failing on. This also can give you the lead to find out what part of your project is holding the path that might have an issue. Happy Coding.