Orchestrator ( Deleting ACTIVE packages)

I have read the docs and post on deleting the packages, but can we still not delete the active packages even if we are no longer using them?
I ASK THIS question because I have been publishing the package from studio and running it through the orchestrator, it eventually gave me a error occurred pop up. we later found that it had to do with our storage, each time I published it took the space so we upgraded from 250 MB to 5 GB and in a matter of day , it gave me the error again even if I hadn’t published 5 times of what I published before.

Is there anyway to track what is eating all of these spaces?
I thought deleting the packages might help but even that needs space to perform the action.
Is there a way to delete a active package after X amount of days?
Please Suggest.
Thank you . :slight_smile: