Orchestrator connection string

Dear all,

I am using Orchestrator 2018.3 and my colleague is using Orchestrator 2018.2. In neither of these versions we manage to find out how to generate a connection string, as per following UiPath official guide:

In fact, in the Orchestrator Settings page, in the General tab, there is no option to generate such a connection string, unlike what the guide says.

Any suggestions how to do it?



Hello Gennaro
I had nearly the same issue with orchestrator. Could you please post a screenshot of the issue from both versions settings page?


Connection string is usually there, Settings page, General tab. Check your role and permissions, maybe you can’t reach it. Therefore, connection strings is: https://yourOrchestratorsURL/api/RobotsService/GetConnectionData?tenantId=YourTenantID(int)


Hi @Gennaro_Bozza

I know this topic is a little old but if you are still looking for an answer the crux lies within the “Important” part of that page:


To use the connection string to deploy Robots to Orchestrator, the following are required:

  • the WindowsAuth.Enabled parameter from the web.config file has to be set to true ;
  • the WindowsAuth.Domain parameter has to be set to a valid domain;
  • the Robot machines you want to deploy have to be in the Active Directory domain that was specified in the WindowsAuth.Domain parameter;
  • the Robot has to be installed as a Windows Service.

So Windows Authentication must be enabled - otherwise the connection string will not appear.

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