Orchestrator bug, discrepancy between the file path with spaces

Dear UiPath team,

I am encountering in UiPath Orchestrator regarding the interpretation of file path variables. when passing a file path containing spaces as a variable, there is a discrepancy between the path stored in the variable and how it is interpreted within Orchestrator.

The file path in question contains two spaces, but when viewed within Orchestrator, it appears that only one space is being recognized. This inconsistency is causing issues with the correct copying of files within my workflows.

Best regards,



Hello @uiStijn Welcome to the UiPath Community Forum

Looking at the xlcm_path and pdf_path variables, the pdf_path contains comma(,) after Weverstraat 42.

Kindly recheck the pass being sent. Also it’s not the best practice to have spaces in file names. Replace all spaces with underscore(_).


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This turned out to be just a visual bug from Orchestrator!

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