Orchestrator API Package upload and process assocation


I am using the Orchestrator API on our Cloud instance to push up a package. The issue is it only goes to the default tenant packages and I cannot associate the package with processes on my folders.

I am making an API call in Python using the following example code

upload_url = “https://cloud.uipath.com///orchestrator_/odata/Processes/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.UploadPackage()”

files = [

headers = {
“Authorization”: f"Bearer {auth_token}",
“X-UiPath-OrganizationUnitId”: folder_id


response = requests.post(upload_url,headers=headers,files=files)

Is there a way to associate the upload with a process id or folder?


You can add the feed id of yhe folder to publish to specific folder feed



Thanks @Anil_G

Next question, how do I get my feed IDs?
I do not see any API call or a setting that displays this information


Hope this helps

For folder id you have get folders or also you generally have it in url as fid
