Orchestrator api login

I need to consume API to get the list of all processes from orchestrator, but I am stuck with authentication issue. I am getting bearer token which I am using in getting processes.
But it is giving me message “You are not authorized”.
I am passing below parameters in header:

Content-Type - application/json

X-UIPATH-TenantName - {{tenantName}}

X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId - {{folderId}}

Please help!!

Hello @Amey_Shahane,

Add the following parameter to header:
Authorization - Bearer


Hi Nitin,
Thank you for the response.

I tried the solution, but still getting same issue

Hello @Amey_Shahane,

I missed the formating on my last post.

Authorization - Bearer Your Authentication Token

There is a space between Bearer and Your Auth Key.



Here you have steps for the entire process