Open With Window (Windows 10 +)

Someone out there who automated this Windows 10 Window successfully? Got no selectors or chance to use click image here.

The problem is caused by the window to the right.


I would advise to not to do this from front end. Use backend which is editing Registry settings.
Refer thread to test around.

To edit registry you can use PowerShell activity in UiPath.

Ashok :slight_smile:


Instead you can use start application activity anf no ui interaction is needed

you can pass the file as parameter to open in in that specific application


I found a solution doing that, which worked fine for me on my local machine. On customers site I am missing permissions to do that, so there is no way to automate this for any machine in future there. But thanks for this good approach.

This could be an approach. The problem here is, does it set default settings to adobe for every future call which is not made with this activity?

Reason therefore is, I want to create a bot you can run before you run another bot which was made previously and you will never get asked again by windows.


What kind of default setting ?

you can try and check once…on the behaviour also we can set settings also we just need to see the format which it accepts
