One or multiple processes

Hi everyone,

I am automating data retrieval from the portal, and I need to download a separate report for each territory (10+). Should I build one process (using loop or just separate actions for each territory) or should I build separate processes for each territory? What would be easier for Orchestrator to handle, maintenance, dashboard tracking etc.

Thank you!


Hello @eddie_mastro

’ List of territories
Dim territories As List(Of String) = New List(Of String) From {“Territory1”, “Territory2”, “Territory3”, …}

For Each territory In territories
’ Navigate to the portal and retrieve data for the current territory
’ Download the report for the current territory
’ Perform any necessary actions specific to this territory

' Log success or handle any errors for each territory
If success Then
    LogMessage("Report downloaded successfully for " & territory)
    LogMessage("Error downloading report for " & territory)

Thanks & Cheers!!!

Your process is the same for each territory so building multiple different projects would be pointless. This is what looping/flowcharts etc are for.

Got it, thank you all!

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