One or more erros occured

My process is download the attachments from the target folder by using get exchange mail and save the xlsx attachments to csv format and rename it and publish it to ftp so this process is working fine but when i run from orchestrator it is showing error as one or more errors what to do? also copy pasted log below

14:08:45.0634 Info {“message”:“Projectname execution started”,“level”:“Information”,“logType”:“Default”,“timeStamp”:“2023-05-16T14:08:45.0534868+05:30”,“fingerprint”:“c7c6e8be-4fde-429a-abc9-767e5978cbcf”,“windowsIdentity”:“RPAROBOT\cavinadmin”,“machineName”:“RPAROBOT”,“fileName”:“Main”,“initiatedBy”:“Orchestrator”,“processName”:“Projectname”,“processVersion”:“1.0.8”,“jobId”:“5dbf43ea-b661-4c1b-989e-7a924f0fa194”,“robotName”:“RPAROBOT”,“machineId”:8,“organizationUnitId”:1}
14:10:44.4777 Error {“message”:“Upload files: One or more errors occurred.”,“level”:“Error”,“logType”:“Default”,“timeStamp”:“2023-05-16T14:10:44.4777102+05:30”,“fingerprint”:“ad4e8093-6592-4d07-833f-7d44f200f632”,“windowsIdentity”:“RPAROBOT\cavinadmin”,“machineName”:“RPAROBOT”,“fileName”:“Flowchart”,“processName”:“Projectname”,“processVersion”:“1.0.8”,“jobId”:“5dbf43ea-b661-4c1b-989e-7a924f0fa194”,“robotName”:“RPAROBOT”,“machineId”:8,“organizationUnitId”:1}
14:10:46.6797 Info {“message”:“Projectname execution ended”,“level”:“Information”,“logType”:“Default”,“timeStamp”:“2023-05-16T14:10:46.6747413+05:30”,“fingerprint”:“2c2ee2cf-be06-4d56-91ab-f8e5dfd5247e”,“windowsIdentity”:“RPAROBOT\cavinadmin”,“machineName”:“RPAROBOT”,“fileName”:“Main”,“totalExecutionTimeInSeconds”:121,“totalExecutionTime”:“00:02:01”,“processName”:“Projectname”,“processVersion”:“1.0.8”,“jobId”:“5dbf43ea-b661-4c1b-989e-7a924f0fa194”,“robotName”:“RPAROBOT”,“machineId”:8,“organizationUnitId”:1}

Hi @sathish_Kumar6 ,
Firstly are you using desktop out look activities ? If yes, do check if your server connected to orchestrator has outlook installed


As per error we could see it is failing in uplod files activity…may be to ftp as mentioned…

To help we might need more info…can you include a log message in the catch block to check the innerexception details exception.InnerException.Message will print the inner exception details…

Please add this log message in system exception catch block and run from orchestrator


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Actually i use get exchange mail acitvities not outlook mail activities

sure @Anil_G will share the exception message

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Thanks for the info @Anil_G i got the error message as One or more errors occurred.- exception
Path “” not found.- exception.InnerException.Message

so i think u r right its getting error to move ftp right?

so how come you were able to tell from the log like its not moving to ftp… its really impressive @Anil_G


Thank you…basically int he logs it says failed in uplod files activity and as per explanation the only place upload is there in ftp…

Now coming to oner or more errors…generally when this error is show inner exception would contain the exact exception details as in your case path is empty…please check why that is empty…

Hope this helps


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In the for each itself i have used create folder to move files to that folder i think this could be the issue thank so much again @Anil_G error is fixed now

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Again thanks for the brief explanation about log and error

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