One or More Error

I’m New for Uipath Studio .We Design Job For Remove watermark from Pdf For that we use python script to remove Watermark .So we use python scope activity .
Following is the sequence of the Designed job
Python Scope->In Do ->Load Python Script->Invoke Python Method->Get PythonObject.
But getting error in Invoke Python Method Activity ,Error(Invoke Python Method: One or more errors occurred.).
Kindly check Attached .zip file(Python Script
watermarkRemove (1).zip (628 Bytes)
) and Screenshot
Please Guide me to resolve issue :pray:
Main (2).xaml (65.5 KB)

watermarkRemove (1).zip (628 Bytes)


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Please refer the below link

Same steps Follow and design job but getting error in invoke method activity

Did you check your python code? Whether it is working or not.

yes ,Its Working

need to import package in uipath studio ? which is used in python script

I’m not sure about it, I think you need to alter the python program.

Is the PDF path correct?
I think print command need to replace with return command

also check the img

In python scope kindly pass the working folder, where the script placed