OCR method failed to scrape this UI Element

I tried to using google ocr by chi_tra which was installed . But when I ran Screen Scraping Wizard, the result showed OCR method failed to scrape this UI Element.

Not sure about the target application(doc(scanned/native)),(Window/java application)/(website))
Did you try with Microsoft OCR?
If OCR can’t then it doesn’t make sense with FullText and Native scraping but any ways give a try with them too. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Dilip, i am also facing the same error message while doing Citrix recording by Screen Scraper Wizard.
OCR method failed to scrape this UI Element. I am trying to use on a remote machine to find text of a folder and double click. Some times it is working and some times it is not working.
Could you please guide me on this.
Thanks In advance.

as you said sometime its working and some time not.
does that means click event not working fine or something else?
how are your finding text in the folder?
Make use offset x/y property(cursor position) of click event .It’s might work. :slight_smile:

But x/y property is not advisable to automate, be cause these x/y properties will change based on the image/object position.
Please suggest any alternate.

whats the error your getting?

Message: Activity timeout exceeded.
Source: Click OCR text ‘IHWindowsClass’
Exception Type: ActivityTimeoutException

It is because of the wait for ready property. Set it to none instead of complete and try.

Hi all,

I have the problem with OCR scraping too. When I want to scrape all on the list of values on this screen. Here is the problem with it, because I need scrape the other values, but when I want to see these values, I have to roll down and then I can see new values. But when I start scraping so i can scrape only visible values in this moment. So when I have scrape all values i have to finish the first scrape with visible values at the moment so i have to roll down and start scraping next values visible at the moment. So can i roll down when I am making scraping or exists some methods with which i can scrape all informations suddenly?

Thank you
