Object to integer converion

Hi Everyone ,

Can anyone please let me know how to resolve this error .


Thanks !

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Please convert object to Integer.





input string was not in format error is occurring.
can you help

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What are you trying to convert?
Can you place the input string.

Simple buddy,
in first assing activity, i hope you are getting from a datatable so type like
InvoiceAmount = Convert.ToInt32(row(ā€œyour column nameā€).ToString)

and in second writeline activity type like
"Invoice Amount : " + InvoiceAmount.ToString

Hope this would work buddy


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Actually I am trying to bring value from google sheet and convert it to Int so that I can compare the value. And I tried as you mention but it still giving same error that is ā€˜Input string was not in a correct formatā€™.

Buddy can i see the error screenshot


I am using read cell to get a value

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Ahh buddy, for read cell you donā€™t need to have row mentioned in front its just a value of string datatype

so kindly mention in assign activity as
InvoiceAmount = Convert.ToInt32(out_Cell_Value.ToString)
where out_Cell_Value is the output value of Read cell activity

This would work buddy

can you upload a script plz

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I m trying to convert a number from google sheet.
can you upload a xml file if you have the solution

Buddy @Aman_Mongar

Here is your xaml buddy

Main.xaml (5.9 KB)

Hope this would help you


Thank You for help @Palaniyappan

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Is that working buddyā€¦!


Yaa Thank you


Cheersā€¦Keep going buddyā€¦!

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Buddy if you feel that you are done with solution, kindly close this thread with solution marked that could help others while looking for solution under your topicā€¦


you are so kind and helpful