Object Repository used references

I built an Object Repository for an application with all its activities and modules in a separate project which can be used in other projects by simply importing the Library package, so far so good. Now
when for example only the name of an activity in the Object Repo is changed and then the Library Package in its using process is updated to the latest release it will show an error that it cannot find the activity anymore. Now before applying changes like this it would be usefull to have a feature which displays references of an Object Repo in its used projects - Blue Prism has such a feature. Otherwise working with Object Libraries at big scale can become very unhandy.

I know for a fact that this thing is there in blueprism, however in UiPath we only have reference at the project level, ideally it should be there for the library as well. Totally agree with you, can you log this into idea tracker.

Good to have.


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