Object Repository for Multiple Browser

I am creating a automation test suite for a web application. I want to run this application in different browsers. I want to add the objects in the Objects Repository so that it can be easily maintained. Now, I realized that the objects added with Chrome browser will be identified only with Chrome browser. If I want to reuse the objects across browsers, how to do it?

Hi Harish

I’m also working with cross-browser application testing, and I followed Ashok data-driven mythology, described in the link below, where the browser type is passed as an Argument/Variable:
See Cross Browser Testing with UiPath Test Suite at UiPath Test Automation

Originally, I wanted to wildcard the browser type using regex in the selector, but the regex functionality does not support this unfortunately:
Studio - RegEx Search (uipath.com)

I think that UiPath is working on creating functionality where you can set the browser type to: “XBrowser” in the “Use Application/Browser” activity.

For now we can do the cross browser testing by building UI libraries under objects repository and manage with different versions.

I just found this post… and I saw your comment…

I remembered I used it once to capture java application that had two different names (like it was two app).

(on my developer machine it was called java.exe and on the production environment it was j2plauncher.exe, later I needed make it work with javaw.exe too)

I looked it up, I still have the project, so I found it.

So, I created this selector for attach window that catches java app with 3 different names, and it worked, this is how it looks like:

<wnd app=‘(jp2launcher.exe|java.exe|javaw.exe)’ matching:app=‘regex’ cls=‘SunAwtFrame’ title=‘Oracle Fusion Middleware Forms Services’ />’

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