O365 Upload file to Sharepoint Library - Error while trying to set metadata for multiple selection field

Activity: UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities.Files.UploadFile
Error message: “Upload File: Error while trying to set metadata (Hint: Metadata can be set only for a DriveItem stored in a SharePoint Document Library.)”

I’m running into this issue only with one field in the Sharepoint Library being used. It is a Choice field that has “Allow multiple selections” set to Yes in Sharepoint field settings. I cannot pass in multiple values when needed for this one field.
when I switch the Yes to No, I am able to add a single value to dtMetadata Value column, but that would not satisfy the business need.
Does anyone know how to send in an array to the Value column in metadata?

Kind regards,


Try passing like this



Thanks for your fast response. Still getting same error when passing in arrayrow as follows:
{"Topic Category","[""Consent"",""HIPAA Privacy""]"}
Is there something I’m missing? Thank you for your help.
Kind regards,

hi, were you able to make it work? Im encountering the same error but for Managed Metadata type