Notepad and Printing

Hi all,
I am really new to this tool(UIPath Studio) and i need to automize:
–open several notepad.exe
–print to PDF, by using the default driver “Microsoft Print to PDF”
Any ideas?

Welcome to uipath community
Yah that’s absolutely possible
—in studio go to design tab and click in manage packages and go to official tab where search for uipath.word.activities and install it
—now inside the studio use a assign activity and mention like this
arr_filepath = Directory.GetFiles(“yourfolderpath”,”*.txt”)
Where this arr_filepath is a variable of type array of string which have all the txt file path
—now use a for each loop and pass the above array variable as input and change the type argument as string in the property panel of for each loop
—inside the loop use READ TEXT FILE activity and mention the file path as item.ToString and get the output with a variable of type string named str_input
—Now followed by that use a word application scope and mention like this
Now inside that use Append Text activity and mention the string input as str_output
—then use EXPORT PDF activity

Cheers @wanderweg

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Thank you, but i cant find this type of array in the list of type names.
Is there anything i am missing?

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Maybe this can help you out.

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In variable panel click on Array under datatype field
Once after that choose string so that we can create array of string

Cheers @wanderweg