Not able to send the Emails, stuck in draft folder

Hi Everyone,

in one of my automation we are Using O365 activities as custom package to send the emails, Bot is able to prepare the email but not able to send, email is sitting in the drafts folder.

Details about Package:

O365 Version – V1.11.1(Windows Legacy)

Studio Version: above v2022

Solutions I have tried:

  1. Added a delay after sending the email → didn’t work
  2. Enclosed Send email activity with Retry of 3 times with time interval of 10 sec. → this is working for 2 out of 10 emails.

I can’t update the O365 Custom Activities package from 1.11.1 → Latest One(2.4.3).


  1. my whole project built on Windows legacy and this custom package we are using in the multiple processes.
  2. After updating the package and trying to publish i am getting below error

I can’t use the SMTP to send the email because after sending the email, i have to save the sent email into a folder.

I can’t use the Outlook Activities, because faced multiple issue like emails are sitting in the Outbox…etc

Please let me know your thoughts on this issue.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @Kotla_Gunasekhar

Instead of using the send mail of Microsoft 365 activity. Use the Send outlook mail message activity to send the mail to the recipient. You can move the mail from one folder to another by using Move Outlook mail message activity. To use this activities you have to install the UiPath.Mail.Activities.

Hope it helps!!