Not able to run the background process from the orchestrator

Hi Community,
I’ve published one background process and trying to run it from the orchestrator but getting below error.

Can anyone please help me into this.



Is this TestingPipeline.1.0.4 available on tenant/packages.

Also refer these threads for more possible solutions.

Ashok :slight_smile:


Do you have any firewall blocks?

as per error one of the package is not found or not getting downloaded


Yes, it is available on tenat feed.


@Anil_G ,
I don’t have any firewall blocks.



Are you on office laptop?

if so there might few missing permissions

it is clearl showing on default tenant it is not found…Can you check if you are connected to a different orchetsrator



Yes, m using office laptop.

I checked, and it is connected to the same orchestrator.



Is it happening only for this project or for all projects?

looks like network issue only can you please check with it to whitelist the url you got in the error



I checked after you asked and then I realize it is happening for other projects too.
And, I don’t think it’s network issue because I’m able to do other tasks.


I agree this isnt a network issue, for some reason it is only checking one feed, if you read the error more thoroughly you see that it only considered one feed and doesn’t consider various others.

I’d be willing to guess the feed it does check is the ‘Host’ feed, and the one it doesnt is the ‘tenant’ feed where the library actually is? Can you confirm?


I’ve published the package to Orchestrator Tenant Feed. Even it is available under the Package tab.


I did mistype and assume it a library, but indeed its a package, so thats strange, can you confirm the feed is does check is the package feed?

@Jon_Smith ,
Yes, it is searching for the package.

Thats not what I asked, can you compare the feed it says its using vs the one it says it is ignoring. Can you see them from the error?