Not able to read the .xls files which are in Protected view

Hi All,

Here, I am working with .xls files. Which always opens in the protected view.

Now, I am trying to read the above mentioned file types using Excel application scope. You can see the error below after run.

Is their any solution to read the files without error?

Note: My admin blocked these file types in the File block settings under trust center and thus opens in the protected view.

Waiting for your ideas and solutions on this.

@Robotman have you tried workbook Read Range acitivity?

See the error below while using Read range:


In this case try removing the protected view before and read the excel.

You mean Should I do it using click activity?

@Robotman workbook read range activity working fine for me.
please make sure your file is in correct format i.e. xlsx or xls

@AkshaySandhu Manually I could able to open the .xls file in the protected view.

try to open that file with text editor like Note Pad etc. or
if that file does not contains any confidential data then upload it here.

@AkshaySandhu It’s confidential. I can’t afford to upload here. Do you have the same settings as highlighted below in the excel application under File → Options ->Trust center ->File block settings. May be that is making the difference. Check from your end.

yes I have replicated the same setting.



@Robotman what kind of data you see when open that file with text editor ?

@AkshaySandhu looks like html

can you replace the confidential data from that file and then upload it here
like replace employee ID with “123465” and name with “ABC”?

I tried that. Due to that restriction in the File block settings, I couldn’t modify the data.

I am running into this issue as well. Interestingly, the automations with Excel Application Scope work fine for me on machines that have Excel 365, but they fail on Excel 2016. Trust Center is setup correctly with the right types of files allowed.