Not able to print serial number even when Auto Increment is enabled

I am having some difficulty to print the Serial number for the total number of rows in the data table. I have enabled auto increment(which is giving me a value of 0 in every row). Also, I have tried to increment the value using a counter but the condition I am using is still producing a 0. I am attaching the required files below. Thanks for helping.
abc.xlsx (8.4 KB)
Sequence.xaml (14.4 KB)

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kindly change the scope of the counter variable in variable panel to the whole sequence name buddy and try buddy @Nikhil_Khapre

I tried but it is still giving me a 0.

Buddy ASSIGN should be like this buddy

See buddy @Nikhil_Khapre


remove the highlighted assign activity buddy
it will work for sure
Kindly try this and let know buddy whether this works or not


did that work buddy @Nikhil_Khapre

Yes, it worked perfectly fine. Thanks for helping. Cheers.

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Cheers buddy @Nikhil_Khapre

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