Not able to enroll in RPA infrastructure training

I am not able to enroll in RPA infrastructure training whenever i try to do so it shows waiting list enroll.
i am attaching the screenshot of the screen please help me.

Hello @Supriti02,
Welcome to the Community!
Please note that in description of this course you have information that it’s provided only for Partners and Customers. Any standard mail address which is not on the customers/partners list in our system will be rejected from enrollment to this course. If you are partner or customer you should get access ass soon as our robot (running twice a day) will get your email and assign it to you. If problem is still anyway please contact our Academy Support.


I have installed Ui Path in my system and i have enrolled myself for this course in enterprise level i am a professional and the mail provided for the course is an enterprise email id still my enrollment is pending and put on waiting list


Yes you have used enterprise email id and that is ok. But the Enterprise company you are working it should be under their Partners or Customers list. Then only we can Enroll the course else we won’t.

Yes but as far as the situation is my colleagues got enrolled from my organization’s email ID itself so it doesn’t seems to be an issue from organization level

I’m facing the same issue.
Some of my friends were able to start the training with the organizational email ID and some with public email ID too. Where as in the site it is clearly given that the public email IDs’ will be rejected.
Could anyone guide me on this.

@Supriti02 @prashantiv

Then it should work for you also. If not then please contact UiPath support team to resolve this issue.