Please check the attached screen shot, I am not able to use any of the following activities
- Mouse Click
2 Mouse Double Click
3 Select item - select Click OCR
Please check the attached screen shot, I am not able to use any of the following activities
Thanks for quick reply.
This is Excel Plugin developed in VSTO & C#
Popup message is would be in the system32 domain or the windows.form domain
Ok. Install UIpath.AI. ComputerVision.Activities and try once. It can easily identify UI elements.
Try with click image
Can i install in trial version of UiPath
Yes, you can install it. Please follow this below threads.
Thanks for quick reply, however as per following steps when I try to install “Uipath UIAutomation Activities v19.2.0” I am getting runtime error
“Unable to resolve dependency ‘Extended.Wpf.Toolkit (≥ 2.8.0)’.” Please check attached screen shot
Was successfully able to install computer vision activities by following the below steps
in Package Manager > Settings >User defined packag
Don’t install it before(UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities ) @2nd step. This package will install at the time of installing UiPath.AI.ComputerVision.Activities package.
Thanks for quick info. On my machine UiPath version was old 17.1 now I have upgraded to 19.02.
Still challenge is same that text box is not recognizable. Is there any way to pass Enter key or Tab key on that message box and select “Yes” or “No”
Is Computer Activities are not working here ?
Try to send Hot key “Enter”. May be it will help here. and also try with Click text or Click Image activity.
Do you know any alternate way to send hot key without capturing screen? Here can we use cloning?
You can use Send hot key activity without capturing screen also.
If you want to pass multiple keys to your browser you can use type into activty and pass the hot keys that you want to send to a screen.
Pavan H
Can you send me the steps or link or control name which does not require screen shot while passing hot keys.
Actually message box I am getting on my Excel file is “”.
Thanks for your information.