No processes in my Uipath Robot

Can someone solve my issue with the uipath robot, I cannot find my process, i have published from studio, but I can’t find any process. Here the path of package “C:\ProgramData\UiPath\Packages”.

Hi @James90,

Have you started the robot service.

Go the below location and run the exe file and refresh in the uipath robot tray.


Hi @anil5
I have only this much. Which one to run?

Run the second one UiRobot

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Hi @anil5
No I didn’t find any process after running uipath.exe and refreshing it.

Hi @James90,

As you have run robot.exe, now publish a single worklfow and check

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Hi @anil5
It’s empty. :frowning:

Hi @James90,

Can you run again the exe file and restart the studio and delete all the old packages and publish a new package

Restart your system also once.

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Hi @anil5
I cannot open my uipath studio now?

Hi @James90,

What is the error message you are getting, did you restart your system.

Which version of uipath are you using?

Hi @anil5
I am using version of 19.3.0, yes I have restarted my system.

Hi @James90,

Can you help with the error screenshot?

Hi @anil5
Thank you it wok, after a while.

Good to hear @James90, it worked for you.

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