Need to update multiple columns of excel sheet with date format

How to update multiple columns of excel sheet with data format, and these columns name coming dynamically.
Any idea?
@lukasziebold @PrankurJoshi @KarthikByggari @loginerror @badita @ClaytonM

It is probably best to use a DataTable which you can fill with your dynamic data and then use the Write Range Activity to put it into Excel all at once.

Does this help? If not, please provide more information on your problem/workflow.

I don’t want to use datatable, means don’t want to read data into datatable and then again write to excel, just want any way to do direct make changes on excel.

You could execute a custom macro or invoke VBA code in an Excel Application Scope.

Use Write Cell activity in Excel application scope.

Do you have any dummy code to do this?
This could be great help for me

I don’t have much time for this today, but you are smart, you’ll figure it out. Here’s the deal:

Follow this instruction to set up a personal workbook and import or code your macro as needed:

In Studio, pick the Excel Application Scope, then add Execute Macro activity within. Edit MacroName like this: "'C:\Users\"+ Environment.UserName.ToLower +"\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART\PERSONAL.XLSB'!" + MacroNameVariable

Second option is to use macro enabled Excel files like this: How to use execute Macro - #10 by aksh1yadav

Invoke VBA code should be straightforward and there are plenty of examples in this forum and elsewhere online.

Good luck!

Thanks All, done it using Macros