Hi There,
I am extracting the information from PDF. After reading from PDF i am storing into string and fetching the values.
There is a field called “Aggrement:” associated with some value, i am able to read the associated value but along with that i am getting the next field column name(Description) aswell in the output which i don’t required.
I only want the value associated with the field “Aggrement”.How to restrict to not get the next column name.
@Anil_G Thanks for the response. Regex code is giving blank value.However the Split worked.
One thing i noticed here ,please refer the screenshot.
In the actual pdf the field Ext.Agr No: contains 1/1-1/31/25 but after reading the pdf the string output is displaying the above field values Country & currency - US,USD in the Ext.Agr No:.
So here i want to fetch only the value related to field - Ext.Agr No:
first thign change the value in regex with spaces special characters to match with what you get…use locals panel to check how the value look
pdf would not help…check the data from locals panel while in debug mode or read the odf and then write to notepad and check how the data looks…that would help
Did you try the Regex code in the immediate panel and check?
Can you paste a snippet of that string in regex 101 website and see the format of the string (next lines and spaces etc) and paste that regex there and check?