Need to copy value and need to paste in column till the rows ends


my excel looks like below image

my requirement is to copy value of date form column “I1”
and past into date column till the rows ends like below image.
how can i achieve this.
required output

Hi @Mathkar_kunal

Can i know that the date column will always be in ‘J’ or it will change as per the data?


Hi @Mathkar_kunal

Try copy paste range activity in UiPath to achieve the same. Refer screenshot for the required activities. Following are the steps involved

  1. Open the excel file
  2. Get last row by reading the range
  3. Copy the required source range and paste it in the required range

Note: Modify based on your source and destination range. Let me know if you are facing any challenge


  1. Read the sheet and name as dtdata.
  2. Now use assign activity and assign strIndex (string type) = (dtdata.rowcount+1).ToString
  3. Next use Fill range - where to write - Excel.Sheet(“Sheet Name”).Range(“J2:J”+ strIndex)
    what to write - “23/12/2024”.