Need to Add Queue items where Queue is created in specific folder through API

Hello Team,

I am trying to add data’s to my queue. I went through the UiPath connectors guide and settled up. But I am unable to add data to the queue, the error shows as QueueName not present.

I have created my queue in newly created folder not the default one.

Please help where to mention the folder path for the Queue.

Hi there
Please make sure the FolderPath is also present in the activity properties
If not the case could you show us how is your process so far?

Please review the API documentation found here as well as by affixing swagger onto the end of your Orchestrator URL e.g. https://orchestrator/swagger/index.html#/Queues/Queues_AddQueueItem,

Folder is targeted by setting one of the Organization or Folder Headers

  • X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId "FolderId"
  • X-UIPATH-FolderPath-Encoded "{Encoded FolderPath value}",
  • X-UIPATH-FolderPath "PlainText FolderPath value", or
  • X-UIPATH-FolderKey "FolderKey".

More information on these headers can be found here

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Thank you, That helped :slight_smile:

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