Need read 2 excel value in same time

I want to read the excel and write 2 value in same time
In 2nd row A colum is main word is AA, first write A
Column value (AA )then copy both Bclm value and C clm value and write in together like (AmmuAppu)

BK2025.xlsx (8.9 KB)

This is the output file
BK2025 (1).xlsx (10.7 KB)

Read all values into data table and you can concat value of B and C column and write into desired column using write cell activity.

Hi @Aarthy1

Follow the below steps to achieve as you expected,
→ Use the Read range workbook activity to read the input sheet and store in a datatable called dt_Input.
→ Then use the Build datatable activity and create two columns Head and Name.
→ Create a variable to the Build datatable activity called dt_Output.
→ Then use the Assign activity to write the below LINQ Expression,

- Assign -> dt_Output = (From row In dt_Input.AsEnumerable
                         Let Head = row("Head").ToString
                         Let Name = row("First").ToString+row("Last").ToString
                         Select dt_Output.Rows.Add({Head, Name})

→ Then use the Write range workbook activity to write the dt_Output to output sheet in same excel.

Check the below workflow screenshot for you reference,

Hope it helps!!

I want ammu in B clm and chinu in C clm in same time
Manually we need to copy the B clm value and C clm value in the same time and paste the both value in another place so the value is pasted in another 2 clm

Your expected output is in the Ouptut sheet in attached excel right… @Aarthy1

If Yes, then I have write the code to achieve the same. Replicate the workflow in your studio and try. else ask your query briefly.

Hope you understand!!

My expected output in Output2 sheet

third column don’t have name… @Aarthy1

It should don’t have name the First name should write in second column called Name and Last name write in Third column in the output sheet.

My understanding is correct?

Yes, i forget to write the header in 3 clm

Can you share me the updated file which contains Input data sheet and expected output data sheet… @Aarthy1

It’s quite confusing for me, if you share file it will more clarity to me.


Did you try with copy paste range activity if you want to copy both and if you already know the destination this would be a straight one to use
