I want to read the excel and write 2 value in same time
In 2nd row A colum is main word is AA, first write A
Column value (AA )then copy both Bclm value and C clm value and write in together like (AmmuAppu)
Follow the below steps to achieve as you expected,
→ Use the Read range workbook activity to read the input sheet and store in a datatable called dt_Input.
→ Then use the Build datatable activity and create two columns Head and Name.
→ Create a variable to the Build datatable activity called dt_Output.
→ Then use the Assign activity to write the below LINQ Expression,
- Assign -> dt_Output = (From row In dt_Input.AsEnumerable
Let Head = row("Head").ToString
Let Name = row("First").ToString+row("Last").ToString
Select dt_Output.Rows.Add({Head, Name})
→ Then use the Write range workbook activity to write the dt_Output to output sheet in same excel.
Check the below workflow screenshot for you reference,
I want ammu in B clm and chinu in C clm in same time
Manually we need to copy the B clm value and C clm value in the same time and paste the both value in another place so the value is pasted in another 2 clm