Hi All,
I want to merge 2 column “B” and “C” then the
output of the merged data to be written in
“B” column. I.e B Column="B column "+“C column”
Please any help me to resolve this
Naveen S
Hi All,
I want to merge 2 column “B” and “C” then the
output of the merged data to be written in
“B” column. I.e B Column="B column "+“C column”
Please any help me to resolve this
Naveen S
Use Read Range activity to read the data from Excel file and will give output as DataTable. Let’s say ‘dtExcelData’.
For each row in dtExcelData
row(“B-ColumnName”) = row(“B-ColumnName”).Tostring +row(“C-ColumnName”).ToString
Ar the end use Write Range activity to write data into Excel file and pass DataTable ‘dtExcelData’.
Can you please try above mentioned steps and let me know if you face any issues. Thank you.
Ok i will
@sai_krishna_somisetty ,
Thanks its working fine.
Now I want insert the output column between A column and B column(i.e B column will goes to C column and output should write in B column.
For this you need to use “Invoke method”,
TargetObject as DT.Columns(“”)
pass parameters as given screenshot
“Value” is the index position where you want to put the column.
Note: use second way
Can you explain bit more how to use the Invoke method as
you said
“SetOrdinal” method is used to change the column position in datatable.
It takes input column name and position to move the given column to particular position.
its is not working for me could you please share workflow
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