I want to write a simple sequence, that will take the existing formula from a cell in excel, and then enter a new formula. But the new formula need to contain parts of the existing formula that was in there.
Basically the cell refers to another cell, so the exsisting value in the cell is: =‘Sheet1’!A1
but i want to change the formula in the cell to a different one that is: =IF(ISBLANK(‘Sheet1’!A1),“blank”,'‘Sheet1’!A1)
The reason I want to automate this is because I need the robot to make this change in multiple cells and it will take me a long time to go through each cell and re-write the formula manually.
My sequence is currently, taking the exsisting cell value, and storing it as a variable (ive called the vairable “CurrentOldCell”), then i am taking that variable and amending it to the new formula, and writing the new formula in the cell.
But I cant seem to write the correct VB expression in studio that will write the new formula using the Write cell activity.
This is what I currently have in the VB expression:
“=IF(ISBLANK(” + CurrentCellOld + “),“blank”,” + CurrentCellOld + “)”
But its not working can anyone help me, im very new to learning UiPath, so im sure this is an easy fix!
Thank you for all your help.