I am trying to write an excel formula using write cell activity in UiPath (within Excel Scope Activity). However I am getting this error BC30198: ‘)’ expected
I tested my formula in Excel and it works.
My formula : “=IF(OR(LEFT(K2,2)=“EE”,LEFT(K2,2)=“EC”), “ECAP”, IF(OR(LEFT(K2,2)=“EV”, LEFT(K2,2)=“EW”), “EMCD”,”“))”
Hi @tanisha.rajah
Try by storing the formula in a string var and pass to writecell activity.
Var= “=IF(OR(LEFT(K2,2)=”“EE”“,LEFT(K2,2)=”“EC”“), ““ECAP””, IF(OR(LEFT(K2,2)=”“EV”“, LEFT(K2,2)=”“EW”“), ““EMCD””, “””“))”