i aa working with Zoho service disk.
as you can see at the photo there will be multiple tickets need to be processed.
the foreach ui element is not working. is there any other way that allows me to iterate throw all tickets
i aa working with Zoho service disk.
What’s the error or behavior of the bot and what you are trying to achieve?
Hope it’ll helps you
Cheers !!
can you make a small sequence to show me how to do it
the part of select elements at the open tickets has now pattern if i select the tabs above
(Edite, Close, Merg,…)it works fine. i think there is no pattern for the selection.
and what i want to achieve is to open the ticket download the attached file and then close the ticket
Try indicating the selection checkbox using anchor which is your id.
→ The data in the image that you shared is the Pattern data and in Table format. we recommend you to use the ExtractTableData activity and store the data in a datatable.
→ Then iterate thorugh the each row in datatable you will get the row values.
→ These values you can use in the selectors for UI activities to perform the dynamic selection based on your conditions.
It is a best practice to follow this approach and if you get more data instead of two, this approach suits for it.
Hope it helps!!
ok if the selector looks like this how do i make it dynamic.
Selector.txt (86 Bytes)
i have trayed it doesn’t see any pattern
In which element you want to click on. Do you want to click on every element in that column.
→ If yes, then Inside for each row in datatable activity insert the assign activity and store the value of that column in a variable called SelectValue.
→ Drag and drop an click activity after the assign activity, then indicate on the first element of the column. When you are indicating ui element Check the Strict selector and uncheck the fuzzy selector, image and OCR and submit it.
→ Come back to studio open the properties of click activity and open the Stict selector then open the Ui explorer then you can find the selectors in the top right you will find the selector attributes select the attribute which has the value that we stored in the SelectValue variable. Then give check for that attribute.
→ In the selector, select the value for the attribute and replace it with SelectValue variable.
→ If any attribute like Table row then change the value with wildcard like *
→ Then click on validate.
It works. follow the above steps as it is to make the selector dynamic.
Hope you understand!! @mohamed.saty2012
i need to click on the id number once i click on it will open that’s all i need to do for all open tickets
Okay then you can follow the above steps to click on the each ID… @mohamed.saty2012
i have done exactly as you suggest i have added the column name which is ID and the ticket number to click on and replace the ticket number with the variable hold the currentRow “ID”
the bot click on the first link but not the second one
could you share the picture of your ui explorer for the Click activity… @mohamed.saty2012
i found what was the problem i have just needed to write * ate the second line in the selector
thanks for your support you were very helpful.
It’s my pleasure… @mohamed.saty2012
Happy Automation!!
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