Flowchart.xaml (51.4 KB)
Hi guys, so I am trying to extract 2 different product from an e-commerce website. I have so far scraped 300 lines of raw data, upon finishing, I save and extracted it to my excel workbook with the sheet called; product + “_Raw”
So once I am done, my next step is to sort my data(country) in descending order, and so far this has been working well. Then after that, I created an output for that Sorted data table, and then I went on to filtering the data table, I have to create 3 filter data table for
- deleting of empty cells
- filtering and removing all data which is greater than the user’s budget (for example, if my user inputs 20 as their budget, then it would filter out those products that are greater than 20), however this is one of which I was struggling with, so the first few tries, I have successfully filtered out the data(price) according to my budget, but now with the currency sign, I am unable to filter out my data table. This is my first problem.
- filtering out the semi-filtered table that does not contain the word “Singapore” as I would only like to extract the products that are locally produced or shipped". So far this had been working for me.
Then afterwards I would use write range to move all that finalised data table to my excel sheets. And the sheets would be created automatically (Product + “_Filtered”)
I would like to send this “filtered data table” to my colleague, but there are two problems that I am facing, the first one is that my data table was not properly structured as it did not have the table border in the email I send. The second problem is it only extracted one of the filtered datatable, even though I have two product + “_filtered” sheets
TLDR; I need help with filtering out my datatable according to what the user have inputted in the budget variable. And secondly, I am unable to send my filtered data table to email with a table border, and thirdly I can’t extract more than one filtered datatable for my products, as I have searched for two products and it have been filtered out (eg: iphone_filtered and android_filtered) but it would only show the first data (which is iphone_filtered)
Sorry for the long paragraph, I hope you guys could understand what I needed. Thank you for reading!