Need Help to build If/Then workflow

Hi UiPathers,

I want to see if I can get some input/suggestions on how I would build the following:


I need to build a workflow for the bot to run on specific days. Here are the following scenarios:

  • Bot will run every Friday
  • Bot will run on the 15th or the last day of the month (the last day varies from month to month)

This is my logic behind the bot:
IF Today’s Date <=15th
start date equal first of the month and end date equal 15th

IF Todays Date >15th & <= 31st
start date equal 16th and end date equal 31st

IF Today = Friday
start date equal today - 4 days and end date equals today

Is the best route to take to use an If/Then Condition?
Is there a way to integrate a calendar to make this process easier?
any additional tips for building the workflow? Is any additional information needed to clarify?


Are these condition to define value of start date and end date and there is some process to use them after these IF? Or there are some process in each Then block?

If former, it’s necessary to clarify which condition is prior in case of Friday 15th, for example.
